Showing posts with label Mother Teresa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother Teresa. Show all posts

Friday, March 28, 2014

Mother Teresa of urban center

Missionaries of Charity

A Pencil within the Hand Of God

Mother Teresa sees economic condition as a form of richness -- and richness as impoverishment -- as she cares for the dying and unwanted of urban center


Q)What did you are doing this morning?


Q)When did you start?

A)Half past four.

Q)And once prayer?

A)We try and pray through our work by doing it with Jesus of Nazareth, for Jesus, to Jesus. That helps USA place our whole heart and soul into doing it. The dying, the halting, the insane, the unwanted, the unwanted -- they\'re Jesus of Nazareth in disguise.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Interview with Mother Teresa


Time: What did you do this morning?
Mother Teresa: Pray.
Time: When did you start?
Mother Teresa: Half-past four
Time: And after prayer
Mother Teresa: We try to pray through our work by doing it with Jesus, for Jesus, to Jesus. That helps us to put our whole heart and soul into doing it. The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the unloved they are Jesus in disguise.
Time: People know you as a sort of religious social worker. Do they understand the spiritual basis of your work?
Mother Teresa: I don't know. But I give them a chance to come and touch the poor. Everybody has to experience that. So many young people give up everything to do just that. This is something so completely unbelievable in the world, no? And yet it is wonderful. Our volunteers go back different people.
Time: Does the fact that you are a woman make your message more understandable?
Mother Teresa: I never think like that.
Time: But don't you think the world responds better to a mother?
Mother Teresa: People are responding not because of me, but because of what we're doing. Before, people were speaking much about the poor, but now more and more people are speaking to the poor. That's the great difference. The work has created this. The presence of the poor is known now, especially the poorest of the poor, the unwanted, the loved, the uncared-for. Before, nobody bothered about the people in the street. We have picked up from the streets of Calcutta 54,000 people, and 23,000 something have died in that one room [at Kalighat].
Time: Why have you been so successful?
Mother Teresa: Jesus made Himself the bread of life to give us life. That's where we begin the day, with Mass. And we end the day with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I don't think that I could do this work for even one week if I didn't have four hours of prayer every day.
Time: Humble as you are, it must be an extraordinary thing to be a vehicle of God's grace in the world.
Mother Teresa: But it is His work. I think God wants to show His greatness by using nothingness.
Time: You are nothingness?
Mother Teresa: I'm very sure of that.
Time: You feel you have no special qualities?
Mother Teresa: I don't think so. I don't claim anything of the work. It's His work. I'm like a little pencil in His hand. That's all. He does the thinking. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do it. The pencil has only to be allowed to be used. In human terms, the success of our work should not have happened, no? That is a sign that it's His work, and that He is using others as instruments - all our Sisters. None of us could produce this. Yet see what He has done.
Time: What is God's greatest gift to you?
Mother Teresa: The poor people.
Time: How are they a gift?
Mother Teresa: I have an opportunity to be with Jesus 24 hours a day.
Time: Here in Calcutta, have you created a real change?
Mother Teresa: I think so. People are aware of the presence and also many, many, many Hindu people share with us. They come and feed the people and they serve the people. Now we never see a person lying there in the street dying. It has created a worldwide awareness of the poor.
Time: Beyond showing the poor to the world, have you conveyed any message about how to work with the poor?
Mother Teresa: You must make them feel loved and wanted. They are Jesus for me. I believe in that much more than doing big things for them.
Time: What's your greatest hope here in India?
Mother Teresa: To give Jesus to all.
Time: But you do not evangelize in the conventional sense of the term.
Mother Teresa: I'm evangelizing by my works of love.
Time: Is that the best way? 

Mother Teresa: For us, yes. For somebody else, something else. I'm evangelizing the way God wants me to. Jesus said go and preach to all the nations. We are now in so many nations preaching the Gospel by our works of love. "By the love that you have for one another will they know you are my disciples." That's the preaching that we are doing, and I think that is more real.
Time: Friends of yours say that you are disappointed that your work has not brought more conversions in this great Hindu nation.
Mother Teresa: Missionaries don't think of that. They only want to proclaim the Word of God. Numbers have nothing to do with it. But the people are putting prayer into action by coming and serving the people. Continually people are coming to feed and serve, so many, you go and see. Everywhere people are helping. We don't know the future. But the door is already open to Christ. There may not be a big conversion like that, but we don't know what is happening in the soul.
Time: What do you think of Hinduism?
Mother Teresa: I love all religions, but I am in love with my own. No discussion. That's what we have to prove to them. Seeing what I do, they realize that I am in love with Jesus.
Time: And they should love Jesus too?
Mother Teresa: Naturally, if they want peace, if they want joy, let them find Jesus. If people become better Hindus, better Moslems, better Buddhists by our acts of love, then there is something else growing there. They come closer and closer to God. When they come closer, they have to choose.
Time: You and John Paul II, among other Church leaders, have spoken out against certain lifestyles in the West, against materialism and abortion. How alarmed are you?
Mother Teresa: I always say one thing: If a mother can kill her own child, then what is left of the West to be destroyed? It is difficult to explain , but it is just that.
Time: When you spoke at Harvard University a few years ago, you said abortion was a great evil and people booed. What did you think when people booed you?
Mother Teresa: I offered it to our Lord. It's all for Him, no? I let Him say what He wants.
Time: But these people who booed you would say that they also only want the best for women?
Mother Teresa: That may be. But we must tell the truth.
Time: And that is?
Mother Teresa: We have no right to kill. Thou shalt not kill, a commandment of God. And still should we kill the helpless one, the little one? You see we get so excited because people are throwing bombs and so many are being killed. For the grown ups, there is so much excitement in the world. But that little one in the womb, not even a sound? He cannot even escape. That child is the poorest of the poor.
Time: Is materialism in the West an equally serious problem?
Mother Teresa: I don't know. I have so many things to think about. I pray lots about that, but I am not occupied by that. Take our congregation for example, we have very little, so we have nothing to be preoccupied with. The more you have, the more you are occupied, the less you give. But the less you have the more free you are. Poverty for us is a freedom. It is not a mortification, a penance. It is joyful freedom. There is no television here, no this, no that. This is the only fan in the whole house. It doesn't matter how hot it is, and it is for the guests. But we are perfectly happy.
Time: How do you find rich people then?
Mother Teresa: I find the rich much poorer. Sometimes they are more lonely inside. They are never satisfied. They always need something more. I don't say all of them are like that. Everybody is not the same. I find that poverty hard to remove. The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
Time: What is the saddest place you've ever visited?
Mother Teresa: I don't know. I can't remember. It's a sad thing to see people suffer., especially the broken family, unloved, uncared for. It's a big sadness; it's always the children who suffer most when there is no love in the family. That's a terrible suffering. Very difficult because you can do nothing. That is the great poverty. You feel helpless. But if you pick up a person dying of hunger, you give him food and it is finished.
Time: Why has your order grown so quickly?
Mother Teresa: When I as young people why they want to join us, they say they want the life of prayer, the life of poverty and the life of service to the poorest of the poor. One very rich girl wrote to me and said for a very long time she had been longing to become a nun. When she met us, she said I won't have to give up anything even if I give up everything. You see, that is the mentality of the young today. We have many vocations.
Time: There's been some criticism of the very severe regimen under which you and your Sisters live.
Mother Teresa: We chose that. That is the difference between us and the poor. Because what will bring us closer to our poor people? How can we be truthful to them if we lead a different life? If we have everything possible that money can give, that the world can give, then what is our connection to the poor? What language will I speak to them? Now if the people tell me it is so hot, I can say you come and see my room.
Time: Just as hot?
Mother Teresa: Much hotter even, because there is a kitchen underneath. A man came and stayed here as a cook at the children's home. He was rich before and became very poor. Lost everything. He came and said, "Mother Teresa, I cannot eat that food." I said, "I am eating it every day." He looked at me and said, "You eat it too? All right, I will eat it also." And he left perfectly happy. Now if I could not tell him the truth, that man would have remained bitter. He would never have accepted his poverty. He would never have accepted to have that food when he was used to other kinds of food. That helped him to forgive, to forget.
Time: What's the most joyful place that you have ever visited?
Mother Teresa: Kalighat. When the people die in peace, in the love of God, it is a wonderful thing. To see our poor people happy together with their families, these are beautiful things. The real poor know what is joy.
Time: There are people who would say that it's an illusion to think of the poor as joyous, that they must be given housing, raised up.
Mother Teresa: The material is not the only thing that gives joy. Something greater than that, the deep sense of peace in the heart. They are content. That is the great difference between rich and poor.
Time: But what about those people who are oppressed? Who are taken advantage of?
Mother Teresa: There will always be people like that. That is why we must come and share the joy of loving with them.
Time: Should the Church's role be just to make the poor as joyous in Christ as they can be made?
Mother Teresa: You and I, we are the Church, no? We have to share with our people. Suffering today is because people are hoarding, not giving, not sharing. Jesus made it very clear. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to me. Give a glass of water, you give it to me. Receive a little child, you receive me. Clear.
Time: If you speak to a political leader who could do more for his people, do you tell him that he must do better?
Mother Teresa: I don't say it like that. I say share the joy of loving with your people. Because a politician maybe cannot do the feeding as I do. But he should be clear in his mind to give proper rules and proper regulations to help his people.
Time: It is my job to keep politicians honest, and your job to share joy with the poor.
Mother Teresa: Exactly. And it is to be for the good of the people and the glory of God. This will be really fruitful. Like a man says to me that you are spoiling the people by giving them fish to eat. You have to give them a rod to catch the fish. And I said my people cannot even stand, still less hold a rod. But I will give them the fish to eat, and when they are strong enough, I will hand them over to you. And you give them the rod to catch the fish. That is a beautiful combination, no?
Time: Feminist Catholic nuns sometimes say that you should pour your energy into getting the Vatican to ordain women.
Mother Teresa: That does not touch me.
Time: What do you think of the feminist movement among nuns in the West?
Mother Teresa: I think we should be more busy with our Lord than with all that, more busy with Jesus and proclaiming His Word. What a woman can give, no man can give. That is why God has created them separately. Nuns, women, any woman. Woman is created to be the heart of the family, the heart of love. If we miss that, we miss everything. They give that love in the family or they give it in service, that is what their creation is for.
Time: The world wants to know more about you.
Mother Teresa: No, no. Let them come to know the poor. I want them to love the poor. I want them to try to find the poor in their own families first, to bring peace and joy and love in the family first.
Time: Malcolm Muggeridge once said that if you had not become a Sister and not found Christ's love, you would be a very hard woman. Do you think that is true?
Mother Teresa: I don't know. I have no time to think about these things.
Time: People who work with you say that you are unstoppable. You always get what you want.
Mother Teresa: That's right. All for Jesus.
Time: And if they have a problem with that?
Mother Teresa: For example, I went to a person recently who would not give me what I needed. I said God bless you, and I went on. He called me back and said what would you say if I give you that thing. I said I will give you a "God bless you" and a big smile. That is all. So he said then come, I will give it to you. We must live the simplicity of the Gospel.
Time: You once met Haile Mariam Mengistu, the much feared communist leader of Ethiopia and an avowed atheist. You asked him if he said his prayers. Why did you risk that?
Mother Teresa: He is one more child of God. When I went to China, one of the top officials asked me, "What is a communist to you?" I said, "A child of God." Then the next morning the newspapers reported that Mother Teresa said communists are children of God. I was happy because after a long, long time the name God was printed in the papers in China. Beautiful.
Time: Are you ever been afraid?
Mother Teresa: No, I am only afraid of offending God. We are all human beings, that is our weakness, no? The devil would do anything to destroy us, to take us away from Jesus.
Time: Where do you see the devil at work?
Mother Teresa: Everywhere. When a person is longing to come closer to God he puts temptation in the way to destroy the desire. Sin comes everywhere, in the best of places.
Time: What is your greatest fear?
Mother Teresa: I have Jesus, I have no fear.
Time: What is your greatest disappointment?
Mother Teresa: I do the will of God, no? In doing the will of God there is no disappointment.
Time: Do your work and spiritual life become easier with time?
Mother Teresa: Yes, the closer we come to Jesus, the more we become the work. Because you know to whom you are doing it, with whom you are doing it and for whom you are doing it. That is very clear. That is why we need a clean heart to see God.
Time: What are your plans for the future?
Mother Teresa: I just take one day. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come. We have only today to love Jesus.
Time: And the future of the order?
Mother Teresa: It is His concern.
Time: What did you are doing this morning?

Mother Teresa: Pray.

Time: once did you start?

Mother Teresa: Half-past four

Time: And when prayer

Mother Teresa: we tend to attempt to pray through our work by doing it with Christ, for Jesus, to Jesus. That helps U.S.A. to place our whole heart and soul into doing it. The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the scorned they're Christ in disguise.

Time: folks grasp you as a kind of spiritual public servant. Do they perceive the non secular basis of your work?

Mother Teresa: i do not grasp. however I provide them an opportunity to come back and bit the poor. everyone has got to expertise that. such a big amount of youth surrender everything to try and do simply that. this can be one thing therefore utterly unbelievable within the world, no? And however it's fantastic. Our volunteers return completely different folks.

Time: will the actual fact that you just area unit a lady create your message additional understandable?

Mother Teresa: I ne'er suppose like that.

Time: however do not you're thinking that the planet responds higher to a mother?

Mother Teresa: folks arasure} responding not attributable to me, however attributable to what we're doing. Before, folks were speaking abundant concerning the poor, however currently additional and additional folks area unit chatting with the poor. that is the nice distinction. The work has created this. The presence of the poor is understood currently, particularly the poorest of the poor, the unwanted, the loved, the unattended. Before, no one daunted concerning the folks within the street. we've got picked up from the streets of metropolis fifty four,000 people, and 23,000 one thing have died in this one area [at Kalighat].

Time: Why have you ever been therefore successful?

Mother Teresa: Christ created Himself the bread of life to allow U.S.A. life. that is wherever we start the day, with Mass. and that we finish the day with Adoration of the Blessed religious ritual. i do not suppose that I may try this work for even one week if I did not have four hours of prayer a day.

Time: Humble as you're, it should be a rare issue to be a vehicle of God's grace within the world.

Mother Teresa: however it's His work. i feel God needs to point out His greatness by victimisation nothingness.

Time: you're nothingness?

Mother Teresa: i am terribly positive of that.

Time: you're feeling you have got no special qualities?

Mother Teresa: i do not suppose therefore. i do not claim something of the work. It's His work. i am sort of a very little pencil in His hand. That's all. He will the thinking. He will the writing. The pencil has nothing to try and do it. The pencil has solely to be allowed to be used. In human terms, the success of our work mustn't have happened, no? that's a proof that it's His work, which he's victimisation others as instruments - all our Sisters. None folks may turn out this. however see what He has done.

Time: what's God's greatest gift to you?

Mother Teresa: The poor folks.

Time: however area unit they a gift?

Mother Teresa: I even have a chance to be with Christ twenty four hours every day.

Time: Here in metropolis, have you ever created a true change?

Mother Teresa: i feel therefore. folks area unit awake to the presence and conjointly several, many, several Hindu folks share with U.S.A.. they are available and feed the folks and that they serve the folks. currently we tend to ne'er see someone lying there within the street dying. it's created a worldwide awareness of the poor.

Time: on the far side showing the poor to the planet, have you ever sent any message concerning the way to work with the poor?

Mother Teresa: you need to create them feel favourite and needed. they're Christ on behalf of me. i think in this way more than doing huge things for them.

Time: what is your greatest hope here in India?

Mother Teresa: to allow Christ to any or all.

Time: however you are doing not evangelize within the standard sense of the term.

Mother Teresa: i am evangelizing by my works of affection.

Time: Is that the most effective way?

Mother Teresa: For U.S.A., yes. For someone else, one thing else. i am evangelizing the method God needs ME to. Christ aforesaid go and preach to any or all the nations. we tend to area unit currently in such a big amount of nations preaching the Gospel by our works of affection. "By the love that you just have for each other can they grasp you're my disciples." that is the preaching that we tend to do, and that i suppose that's additional real.

Time: Friends of yours say that you just area unit discomfited that your work has not brought additional conversions during this nice Hindu nation.

Mother Teresa: Missionaries do not think about that. They solely wish to proclaim the Word of God. Numbers don't have anything to try and do with it. however the folks area unit swing prayer into action by coming back and serving the folks. frequently folks area unit coming back to feed and serve, so many, you go and see. everyplace folks area unit serving to. we do not grasp the long run. however the door is already receptive Christ. There might not be a giant conversion like that, however we do not grasp what's happening within the soul.

Time: What does one think about Hinduism?

Mother Teresa: i really like all religions, however i'm infatuated with my very own. No discussion. that is what we've got to convince them. Seeing what I do, they understand that i'm infatuated with Christ.

Time: and that they ought to love Christ too?

Mother Teresa: Naturally, if they need peace, if they need joy, allow them to notice Christ. If folks become higher Hindus, higher Moslems, higher Buddhists by our acts of affection, then there's one thing else growing there. they are available nearer and nearer to God. after they come back nearer, they need to settle on.

Time: You and John Paul II, among different Church leaders, have spoken out against bound lifestyles within the West, against materialism and abortion. however afraid area unit you?

Mother Teresa: I invariably say one thing: If a mother will kill her own kid, then what's left of the West to be destroyed? it's troublesome to elucidate , however it's simply that.

Time: after you spoke at university many years agone, you aforesaid abortion was a good evil and folks booed. What did you're thinking that once folks booed you?

Mother Teresa: I offered it to our Lord. It's all for Him, no? I let Him say what He needs.

Time: however these those that booed you'd say that they conjointly solely wish the most effective for women?

Mother Teresa: which will be. however we tend to should tell the reality.

Time: which is?

Mother Teresa: we've got no right to kill. chiliad shalt not kill, a commandment of God. And still ought to we tend to kill the helpless one, the tiny one? You see we tend to get therefore excited as a result of folks area unit throwing bombs so several area unit being killed. For the adult ups, there's most excitement within the world. however that small one within the uterus, not even a sound? He cannot even escape. That kid is that the poorest of the poor.

Time: Is materialism within the West Associate in Nursing equally serious problem?

Mother Teresa: i do not grasp. I even have such a big amount of things to deem. I pray heaps this, however i'm not occupied by that. Take our congregation for instance, we've got little or no, therefore we've got nothing to be preoccupied with. The additional you have got, the additional you're occupied, the less you provide. however the less you have got the additional free you're. poorness for U.S.A. could be a freedom. it's not a mortification, a penance. it's joyful freedom. there's no tv here, no this, no that. this can be the sole fan within the whole house. It does not matter however hot it's, and it's for the guests. however we tend to area unit absolutely happy.

Time: however does one notice wealthy folks then?

Mother Teresa: I notice the wealthy abundant poorer. generally they're additional lonely within. they're ne'er glad. They invariably would like one thing additional. i do not say all of them area unit like that. everyone isn't constant. I notice that poorness exhausting to get rid of. The hunger for love is way harder to get rid of than the hunger for bread.

Time: what's the saddest place you have ever visited?

Mother Teresa: i do not grasp. i am unable to keep in mind. it is a unhappy issue to ascertain folks suffer., particularly the broken family, unloved, uncared for. it is a huge sadness; it is usually the youngsters that suffer most once there's no love within the family. that is a terrible suffering. terribly troublesome as a result of you'll do nothing. that's the good poorness. you're feeling helpless. however if you choose up someone dying of hunger, you provide him food and it's finished.

Time: Why has your order adult therefore quickly?

Mother Teresa: once I as youth why they need to affix U.S.A., they assert they need the lifetime of prayer, the lifetime of poorness and also the lifetime of service to the poorest of the poor. One terribly wealthy woman wrote to ME and aforesaid for a awfully long term she had been desire to become a nun. once she met U.S.A., she aforesaid I will not need to surrender something though I surrender everything. You see, that's the mentality of the young these days. we've got several vocations.

Time: there is been some criticism of the terribly severe regime beneath that you and your Sisters live.

Mother Teresa: we tend to selected that. that's the distinction between U.S.A. and also the poor. as a result of what's going to bring U.S.A. nearer to our poor people? however will we tend to be truthful to them if we tend to lead a distinct life? If we've got everything doable that money will provide, that the planet will provide, then what's our association to the poor? What language can I speak to them? currently if the folks tell ME it's therefore hot, I will say you come back and see my area.

Time: even as hot?

Mother Teresa: abundant hotter even, as a result of there's a room beneath. a person came and stayed here as a cook at the children's home. He was wealthy before and have become terribly poor. Lost everything. He came and aforesaid, "Mother Theresa, I cannot eat that food." I said, "I am intake it a day." He checked out ME and aforesaid, "You eat it too? alright, i'll eat it conjointly." And he left absolutely happy. currently if I couldn't tell him the reality, that man would have remained bitter. He would ne'er have accepted his poorness. He would ne'er have accepted to possess that food once he was accustomed different kinds of food. That helped him to forgive, to forget.

Time: what is the most joyful place that you just have ever visited?

Mother Teresa: Kalighat. once the folks die in peace, within the love of God, it's a beautiful issue. to ascertain our poor folks happy along side their families, these area unit lovely things. the important poor grasp what's joy.

Time: There area unit those that would say that it's Associate in Nursing illusion to think about the poor as joyous, that they have to incline housing, raised up.

Mother Teresa: the fabric isn't the sole issue that provides joy. one thing bigger than that, the deep sense of peace within the heart. they're content. that's the good distinction between wealthy and poor.

Time: however what concerning those those that area unit oppressed? WHO area unit taken advantage of?

Mother Teresa: there'll invariably be folks like that. that's why we tend to should come back and share the thrill of affectionate with them.

Time: ought to the Church's role be simply to create the poor as joyous in Christ as they will be made?

Mother Teresa: You and that i, we tend to area unit the Church, no? we've got to share with our folks. Suffering these days is as a result of folks area unit sign, not giving, not sharing. Christ created it terribly clear. no matter you are doing to the smallest amount of my brethren, you are doing it to ME. provides a glass of water, you provides it to ME. Receive a bit kid, you receive ME. Clear.

Time: If you speak to a leader WHO may do additional for his folks, does one tell him that he should do better?

Mother Teresa: i do not say it like that. I say share the thrill of affectionate along with your folks. as a result of a political candidate perhaps cannot do the feeding as I do. however he ought to be clear in his mind to allow correct rules and correct laws to assist his folks.

Time: it's my job to stay politicians honest, and your job to share joy with the poor.

Mother Teresa: precisely. And it's to be for the great of the folks and also the glory of God. this may be extremely fruitful. sort of a man says to ME that you just area unit spoiling the folks by giving them fish to eat. you have got to allow them a rod to catch the fish. and that i aforesaid my folks cannot even stand, still less hold a rod. however i'll provide them the fish to eat, and after they area unit robust enough, i'll hand them over to you. And you provide them the rod to catch the fish. that's a gorgeous combination, no?

Time: Feminist Catholic nuns generally say that you just ought to pour your energy into obtaining the Vatican to ordain ladies.

Mother Teresa: That doesn't bit ME.

Time: What does one think about the women's liberation movement among nuns within the West?

Mother Teresa: i feel we should always be additional busy with our Lord than with all that, additional busy with Christ and proclaiming His Word. What a lady will provide, no man will provide. that's why God has created them on an individual basis. Nuns, women, any woman. girl is formed to be the center of the family, the center of affection. If we tend to miss that, we tend to miss everything. they furnish that love within the family or they furnish it in commission, that's what their creation is for.

Time: the planet needs to grasp additional concerning you.

Mother Teresa: No, no. allow them to come back to grasp the poor. i need them to like the poor. i need them to do to search out the poor in their own families initial, to bring peace and joy and love within the family initial.

Time: Malcolm Muggeridge once aforesaid that if you had not become a Sister and not found Christ's love, you'd be a awfully exhausting girl. does one suppose that's true?

Mother Teresa: i do not grasp. I even have no time to deem this stuff.

Time: those that work with you say that you just area unit unstoppable . you mostly get what you wish.

Mother Teresa: that is right. All for Christ.

Time: And if they need a haul with that?

Mother Teresa: for instance, I visited someone recently WHO wouldn't provide ME what I required. I aforesaid God bless you, and that i went on. He referred to as ME back and aforesaid what would you say if I provide you with that issue. I aforesaid i'll provide you with a "God bless you" and a giant smile. that's all. therefore he aforesaid then come back, i'll provides it to you. we tend to should live the simplicity of the Gospel.

Time: You once met Haile Mariam Mengistu, the abundant feared communist leader of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Associate in Nursingd an professed atheist. You asked him if he aforesaid his prayers. Why did you risk that?

Mother Teresa: he's an extra kid of God. once I visited China, one among the highest officers asked ME, "What could be a communist to you?" I aforesaid, "A kid of God." Then successive morning the newspapers according that Theresa aforesaid communists area unit kids of God. i used to be happy as a result of when a protracted, long term the name God was written within the papers in China. Beautiful.

Time: area unit you ever been afraid?

Mother Teresa: No, i'm solely fearful of offending  God. we tend to area unit all folks, that's our weakness, no? The devil would do something to destroy U.S.A., to require U.S.A. off from Christ.

Time: wherever does one see the devil at work?

Mother Teresa: everyplace. once someone is desire to come back nearer to God he puts temptation within the thanks to destroy the need. Sin comes everyplace, within the better of places.

Time: what's your greatest fear?

Mother Teresa: I even have Christ, I even have no worry.

Time: what's your greatest disappointment?

Mother Teresa: I do the desire of God, no? In doing the desire of God there's no disappointment.

Time: Do your work and non secular life become easier with time?

Mother Teresa: affirmative, the nearer we tend to come back to Christ, the additional we tend to become the work. as a result of you recognize to whom you're doing it, with whom you're doing it and for whom you're doing it. that's terribly clear. that's why we'd like a clean heart to ascertain God.

Time: What area unit your plans for the future?

Mother Teresa: I simply take sooner or later. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not come back. we've got solely these days to like Christ.

Time: and also the way forward for the order?

Mother Teresa: it's His concern.