The Structure of Reason - David Hirsch, Dan Van Haften
Author Interviews
An Interview with Abraham Lincoln and the Structure of
Reason authors David Hirsch and Dan Van Haften: Part 1
: The discovery that Abraham Lincoln had a code or template
for his speeches, and that you broke that code, is really quite extraordinary. How
did this all come about?
David: I have long believed there was a connection between
mathematics and language. During junior high school (middle school) study halls
I used to play with word equations and try to make the connection algebraically.
This led to dead ends, and for lack of a better description, this “project” I
envisioned remained dormant.
: What changed?
David: In 2007, Dan and I traveled to Springfield, Illinois,
where I needed to research an article for the American Bar Association Journal .
. .
: Just so readers are clear, you are an attorney.
David: Yes, I am. And Dan retired in 2007 from Alcatel/Lucent.
The purpose of my research was to determine how Abraham Lincoln might have
functioned practicing law in today’s technological setting. I concluded in a
short two-page article that Lincoln would have done just fine in today’s legal
environment—I won’t bore you with all the details—but more significantly the
trip hooked me on Lincoln.
: How so?
David: I found everything about him fascinating, but one
memory of our trip really stands out. After touring the first Lincoln & Herndon
law office, I turned to Dan—whom I have known since the first grade—and
casually remarked, “You know, practice in Lincoln’s
time was not that different from small-town Midwestern legal practice when I
started in the early 1970’s.”
Dan: At that point, I suggested we visit the small train
station where Lincoln embarked to Washington as President-elect.
It was locked, but what proved more important to us was not what was inside but
the plaque outside with Lincoln’s Springfield farewell
address. David read it and said, “What a remarkable, beautiful speech.”
: This prompted you to write about Lincoln?
David: We decided to co-author a book describing the
American legal system and Lincoln’s
role therein, using Lawyering Like Lincoln as a working title. At first we
planned to exclude Lincoln’s
presidential years and his speeches, but that changed quickly . . .
: How so?
Dan: (laughing). I told David the first thing I wanted to do
was read the complete Lincoln-Douglas debates and the Cooper Union speech. David
thought this was a peculiar way to begin our project. I ended up with seven
legal-sized pages of handwritten notes on the debates and presented them to
David, who immediately spotted a reference to Euclid in one of my paragraphs. Seeing the
name of a man known worldwide as the “Father of Geometry” shocked David who, for
lack of a better description, went “bananas.”
David: (laughing). I was immediately back in junior high
school study hall thinking about word equations and math. And I began to wonder,
“Was the key to Lincoln’s
extraordinarily effective speeches mathematically based?” Dan immediately set
out to discover everything he could in Lincoln
literature regarding Euclid and Lincoln.
: Given the volume of Lincoln
literature, that is one tall order for a research assignment and neither of you
were, at that time at least, Lincoln
David: Right on both points, but I think the fact that we
were not Lincoln
scholars proved to be an advantage. We rolled up our sleeves without any
preconceptions and simply let the evidence take us wherever it led.
: And did you find additional references to Euclid?
Dan: I found countless references to Euclid
and they all said about the same thing: Lincoln
read Euclid, he mastered Euclid,
and he took Euclid’s
Elements with him while riding the judicial circuit. The only real substantive
clue that there was more here than meets the eye was a rather loose statement
that Lincoln read Euclid to find out how to “demonstrate.”
: And the obvious question is, “demonstrate what?”
Dan: Exactly. So I did what Lincoln did. I read Euclid’s Elements in an
effort to find out what it means to “demonstrate,” and David told me that when
I figured out what that meant, to find something Lincoln wrote or spoke that
confirms it.
David: Quite some time passed and then Dan called and said, “I’ve
got it.” I asked him, “Do you have an example to prove it?” He answered, “Yes. The
Cooper Union speech.”
: That’s how this unfolded?
Dan: One discovery led to another: the legal system itself, the
Thomas Jefferson connection, and a lot more.
End of Part 1
An Interview with David Hirsch and Dan Van Haften, Part 2,
Who Cracked the Lincoln
: There is an older title that is very rare and hard to find
called Lincoln + Euclid: A + B, by someone named C. W. Kent. That title alone
at least hints that someone else mayhave cracked the Lincoln code before you.
David: On its face that seems possible, but to our knowledge
that is not the case. The Kent
title you mentioned was published in the early 1930s, I think, and it is one of
the strangest productions either of us has ever seen. Dan spent an afternoon at
the Northern Illinois University Library and discovered that C. W. Kent was a
charlatan and a medical quack. The closest he comes to our theory is to put “Euclid” in the same sentence (or equation) as “Lincoln.”
Dan: I remember thinking the Kent book appeared it would be
one of the most interesting items on the list of items that I wanted to review
on my first trip to the Lincoln Presidential Library, and boy was it a
disappointment. James Cornelius, the Curator of the Lincoln Collection at the
library is as knowledgeable regarding Lincoln
as any living person. The collection he oversees is one of the few places that
has a copy of Kent’s
book. The title itself seems to equate Kent
with Euclid and Lincoln: Euclid + Lincoln = Kent; A + B = C; Universal Formula:
Grammar of nature or key to the master mind. Cornelius thought we were right to
ignore this book.
: Why is that?
Dan: Even calling it a “book” or insinuating it is
scholarship at any level is a leap. It’s a jumble of the most bizarre disparate
things you can think of, and it has nothing to do with logic or speech
structure at all. It is nothing like its title implies.
David: In general, some of the articles or titles we have
found are simply not even about what their title suggest they might be. Most of
the others we have found that mention Lincoln and his speeches usually focus on
poetry, or word choice, music, and even religion. They micro-analyze the
speeches and miss the macro point of it all.
: Hence, Abraham Lincoln and the “Structure” of Reason.
Dan: Precisely.
: It is very interesting that scholars who have studied Lincoln for decades never
realized this.
David: They were too focused on his individual words and
their meaning.
Dan: It is important to realize that we aren’t the first to
connect Euclid
to Lincoln.Lincoln himself did that. Over the decades many Lincoln
scholars attributed at least some of Lincoln’s
oratorical sharpness to his study of Euclid.
But the Lincoln
scholars that correctly did that only superficially analyzed the nature of that
David: Some people “think” the code was broken before our
book was published, but they are mistaken. I recall telling a local lawyer a
few months ago our discovery and she responded, “Didn’t Gary Wills crack the
code to Lincoln’s
speeches?” The answer is no, he didn’t. Nowhere in his published work does
Wills talk about the six elements of a Euclidean proposition and relate them to
a Lincoln
:Your book alludes to that on pages 247-248 when you set
forth a quote by Nathan Brooks reviewing another book that analyses The Cooper
Union Speech.
David: Yes, I know it well. In that quote Brooks discusses
“the lack of evidence Lincoln left us as to how
he crafted his speeches,” and he goes on to analogize that “there is no
‘legislative history,’ so to speak, regarding Lincoln’s speeches.”
Dan: That pretty much sums up the “state of the art”
regarding Lincoln’s
“structure” when our book was released.
: So why did Lincoln’s
“structure” remain hidden in plain sight for 150 years?
David: Several reasons. Invariably, the weakness in Lincoln study over the
years was the micro-analysis of his speeches. It focused on words when it
needed to focus on structure. It looked at leaves when it needed to look at
trunks and branches. The blast of green made the forest invisible.
Dan: It is also important to keep in mind that the six
elements of a proposition were largely lost in the dust bin of history. Euclid
himself used the six elements religiously, but he didn’t state that he used
them. He didn’t diagram or explain how he used them. We both think that this is
something that probably was just “understood” in Euclid’s time. The Greek Proclus, writing in
the fifth century AD, wrote an influential commentary about Euclid and is largely responsible for
preserving the six elements. But his commentaries are so abstruse that one does
not automatically extract them.
: And then there is Mr. Lincoln.
David: The scholars have it right about that man. He was
indeed a genius in our opinion. He was someone who really wanted to figure out
what “demonstrate” meant and then apply it. In the process, Lincoln
transferred the six elements of a proposition from Euclid and geometric proof to oratory, using
the technique for political and legal demonstration. We are the first to
discover this, and we are the first to prove this.
Dan: And it has been a complete honor and privilege to delve
this deeply in Lincoln
and write this book.
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